Prayer of Saint Francis

Prayer of Saint Francis
Where there is hatred, let me sow love and, where there is darkness, let me bring light.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Seeing Rays of Pain

Two days ago, I was really hurting due to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in my hands. I am a writer and spend a lot of time at the computer or with a pen in hand. My hands had hurt all night, but by sunup, only my left hand still hurt. I spent an hour in meditation and prayer, and as I drove down West Valley Parkway, I noticed that I could see rays of light coming from the fingers of my left hand but not my right. A few minutes later, I was in a different place and so I thought the silvery light of a rainy day may shine differently through my glasses. But again, I saw white rays shooting from the fingertips of my left hand and not my right.

I was in a very peaceful state of mind. I think this is why I was able to see my pain. I had heard that people could witness these rays of light, but didn't experience it myself until this week.

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