Prayer of Saint Francis

Prayer of Saint Francis
Where there is hatred, let me sow love and, where there is darkness, let me bring light.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Love and Peace

I believe consciousness is awareness and how to put things that happen to you in perspective. I believe that we all must have love and peace inside before we can find it on the outside. We generate our own good and bad experiences.

Have I gained anything this year? I sure have. I now realize the destructiveness of my relationship and why people are so hurting to me. I may hurt them too, but I have and open mind and some people are not there spiritually yet. They cannot give and receive. They can only receive because of their limited growth.

I will turn my intellect toward writing and not hurting. I will pursue making a living so that I am in need of no one. This should occupy my mind and even draw people to me. I don't need to attract them based on need.

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